Concept to Reality Portfolio
Concept to Reality™… A case study from start to finish production parts.


A concept is presented to General Plastics in which it is analyzed for manufacturability while keeping the design intent intact. We will work with your design and engineers thru out this process.


Once a CAD model is complete, tool layout is completed by General Plastics. From that model a pattern is cut on a CNC.


In this example, we are producing a water cooled pressure cast aluminum tool. Upon casting, General Plastics receives the raw casting and it is completed with water cooling, vacuum, and appropriate legs.


The tool will be sampled in order to create a forming process. These parts will be used for creating CNC fixtures and programs as well as first article submissions.


CNC fixtures can either be poured from a formed part or fabricated. This decision is based upon part geometry, finished part trim, material, and longevity of the program. Programming is done off line thru a CAD/CAM software package that is downloaded to the machine.


Whether it is a single part or multiple parts into an assembly, General Plastics has the experience, talent and state of the art machinery to turn your concepts into reality.